We feed the garden birds, although we make sure to do this in the front garden to which our seven rescued cats don't have access, and whenever we see one of the cats with a creature that they have caught, we do everything we can to rescue it. We almost always manage to rescue the vole or mouse, or whatever it is, and we give them Reiki, homeopathic remedies and a safe place to recuperate. And a lot of them do survive- the year before last we released 26 little creatures, including three moles, into a safe release site and most of these (although not all- there were a couple of road casualties as well) were animals that we had rescued from the cats. But not all of them make it and it makes me feel very sad and also responsible, because it was we have put the creatures in harm's way by letting our cats roam freely in the garden.
This year's successfully released vole. |
This year we have, so far, saved and successfully released one vole; just one small creature whose life may not make a great deal of difference to anyone else, and yet whose life is every bit as precious to him or her as ours are to us, and as rabbinic teaching says 'To save one life is to save the whole world'.