VegaNation supports Hillside!

VegaNation supports Hillside!

Monday, 19 September 2011

Peanut Butter is Vegan but Wool isn't!

 We've been emailing Jan,  our newly-vegan friend, with daily Vegan Top Tips, and also fielding questions and providing information when needed. Jan doesn't really drink but when she asked about wine we were able to reassure her that there ARE vegan wines available, as well as various other kinds of alcohol. Different vintages vary, as do different batches,so while it may not say on the label whether or not a bottle of wine is vegan, supermarkets generally have a vegan wine list that is up to date. For some reason Waitrose wouldn't give us a copy of theirs, but we are allowed to LOOK AT IT sometimes!
  More good news for Jan: peanut butter is vegan! She seemed slightly surprised, maybe because of the word 'butter' in the name.? I really think that Veganism is going to be much easier than Jan thought now that she knows that she can eat bread and pasta..and now peanut butter- what else do you need?!
  Jan was asking about wool yesterday and I had to tell her that wool is definitely not vegan, which she seemed fine about. 
  Many people don't understand why we don't wear wool because we're vegan, but an ethical vegan is somebody who rejects the use and exploitation of animals, and therefore, as far as is possible, the use of any animal products for any reason.
  Farmed sheep suffer in many ways, and it is worth pointing out, in any case, that wool is often a slaughterhouse product: taken from the skin of the slaughtered sheep. It is also an obvious truth that sheep that are used throughout their lives for wool (and lamb) production, are all ultimately killed for meat.
  Jan's most recent email arrived this evening headed, as the others have been, ''Question of the Day'. The email was telling us how well her first vegan day at work had gone, after a couple of days off, and, in fact, the only question in the email was ''Why didn't I do this years ago???''

  If you too want to be part of the Vegan Nation, please stop by and shop at we have vegan marshmallows!!

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