VegaNation supports Hillside!

VegaNation supports Hillside!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Gorgeous Bath Products and a tiny rescued Snail

 We were looking through catalogues today, choosing which of the beautiful bodycare products and gift-y things to buy for our shop- it was so hard to decide because they are all so lovely, stunningly packaged and all vegan. We like buying things for our shop- we love it so much and it's nice to make it feel appreciated!!!
  It wasn't all shopping, tho'- I also rescued, from being trodden on, absolutely the tiniest snail in the world; it was so small and young that its shell was transparent- very interesting actually, because I've never really known before how snails fit inside their shells- I mean how high up inside their spiral shells their bodies actually go!

 Anyway, back to the pampering products!  If we've whetted your appetite for exotically scented, cruelty free bodycare, stop by and visit us at our vegan shop - the new range will be with us soon- I promise to tell you first!

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